Sundays, 10.30am at St James'
Benwell Lane, NE15 6RS
We meet for Holy Communion as the Benwell & Scotswood Team.
Still at home? Watch the service live on Facebook! (don't worry - you do not need a facebook account to watch it)
You can now submit prayer requests online. This can be done anonymously or by name and the clergy and congregation will pray for you each week.
Help keep our work going and our buildings open. At the moment we are not having a collection during the service and encouraging digital giving instead.
If you can, please give by standing order - regular donations help us to have a better estimate of our income and ensure we can keep our activities running.
I have never been before, can I come?
Absolutely! You are very welcome. If you are unfamiliar with the church, don't worry, we can explain things as we go along. Just watch, listen, and join in as you feel comfortable. Feel free to contact us if you have questions about anything >
Is it safe? Some things you might be wondering
Why do we need to let you know we're coming?
This is for contact tracing purposes if there is ever an outbreak of Covid-19. You can also turn up on the morning and we will take your name and details, though it helps us if you check-in beforehand. We will only hold onto this the data for 21 days.
Do I need to wear a mask?
It is now a requirement to wear a face mask at indoor venues, including inside churches. You do not have to wear a mask while leading a service, including for readings or leading intercessions. The clergy will wear masks during the distribution of communion and after the service. There are exceptions to the rule and we will not challenge anyone who is not wearing a mask but assume they are legally exempt.
Please remember the most effective way to stay safe is to remain 2 metres apart, wash or sanitise your hands regularly, and stay at home if you feel unwell
What social distancing measures are in place?
You can read our risk assessment here. But the major points are:
We will ask everyone to stay 2 metres apart and all the seats are two placed metres apart.
Please sanitise your hands when you enter and when you leave.
Avoid moving around the building.
Your service sheet will already be on your seat and not handed out.
Items used in the service will be cleaned and/or quarantined for 72 hours.
Anyone preaching, reading, or celebrating the eucharist will sanitise their hands before and after touching any books or objects.
Doors will be left open for ventilation (sorry it may be a bit breezy!)
Please stay at home if you are feeling unwell, and contact us if you need anything.
How will the service be different?
There will be some changes to the liturgy, including:
No singing (sorry!), but we may play recorded music at times.
No sharing of the Peace, no offertory procession, and no collection plate passed around.
You will receive communion 'in one kind' - the wine will not be given out.
The priest will not say anything as s/he hands out the consecrated bread.
We will either queue for communion or it will be brought to you in your seat.
Can I sit with my household?
Yes you can, all the chairs are separated by 2m at the moment, so you will need to move them closer together and put them back afterwards.
Can I come if I am over 70 or vulnerable?
This has to be based on your own personal circumstances and we are very happy to talk you through the risk measures we have in place to help you reach a decision. Just contact one of the clergy or email
Some of you may feel safe and able to come back, but do not feel under any pressure if you are feeling unsure. Those in the 'extremely vulnerable' category who are shielding, please do stay at home.
Why at St James'?
We will be worshipping as a Team Parish, so this is very much a service for all four congregations. We are using St James as our biggest building to enable social distancing and ensure quality of worship until we are ready to safely reopen other buildings.
Why 10.30?
We are joining together as a team parish for now, so we are meeting at 10.30am - halfway between the ordinary service times of our churches of 10am & 11am.