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Service times review

A letter to all those who worship with us.

Download and complete the questionnaire here. You can email it to us or return a hard copy:

The Rectory

56 Dunholme Road

Newcastle upon Tyne


0191 273 5356

24th November 2022

Dear Church member,

We hope you are keeping well. These past months have been a difficult time for many, and with covid many things have changed. First, we had lockdowns and could not worship together at all and arranged online worship, later we were able to worship together but socially distanced in one building while many were still shielding, only recently was it possible for ‘normal service’ to be resumed.

But what is ‘normal service’ and what should it be? As we came out of covid restrictions we took the opportunity to consult and reflect on how best to move forward as a team in our worship and mission. These were and will continue to be our guiding principles:

  1. Worship is, first and foremost, for God and his church.

  2. We want our church to grow ‘in numbers, in spiritual commitment… and in service’ (LYCIG Prayer). We are committed to looking outwards and inviting new people.

  3. Our covid experience included positives which we want to build on. This includes growing as a team, worshipping together, and sharing resources e.g. for music, children’s work, ‘experimental’ services, and an improved digital presence.

  4. Providing a safe space especially for the vulnerable.

  5. Being realistic about changes in resources available, both clergy and lay.

After consultations, we started after Easter with the following pattern of worship:

  • An 11am ‘Hub Service’ at St James – moving to Ven Bede in the winter months, until such time as the heating at St James is adequate.

  • Celebration services roughly once a month for special church and community occasions- we all join the Hub Service asthe Team service and no other services take place on that day.

  • A monthly mid-week Holy Communion – 10.30am at the Ven Bede every 4th Wednesday, followed by refreshments.

  • Each Sunday at St Margaret’s alternating between 9.45am Holy Communion & 4pm Evening Service.

  • Holy Communion at St John’s alternating between 9.45am on Sunday & 11am on Thursday.

We committed to reviewing this pattern after six months and to help us do so, we would like to hear from you. There is a questionnaire with this letter which we hope you will find time to fill in and return. Please feel free to put your name on, or not if you prefer to remain anonymous. Please let us have your response by Sunday 18th December.

We know we have not been able to find a pattern that is ideal for everyone but with your co-operation hope to do the best we can. Once we have looked at the responses, we will think about what changes may be needed, talk to Churchwardens and DCC’s as appropriate, and take a proposal to the next PCC on the 19th January. Any changes will then take place.

We are also keen to make sure that those who are unable to come to church are not excluded. Online worship continues to be offered and we are happy to arrange home communions as needed. Please let us know.

Meanwhile please also find Christmas Service details. We hope you can join us.

All Best Wishes,

The Revd David Kirkwood, The Revd Dominic Coad, The Revd Chris Minchin

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